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Cooperative Education

Carpentry Work

A student can receive high school credits for a successful combination of practical work experience and co-op assignments. 


The practical work experience is where you want to work and it should be related to what you want to do in the future (your hopeful career pathway). This can be through a volunteer placement at a place you would like to experience working at or if you already have a current employer/job and a willing supervisor at work, you may use your scheduled work hours as the practical work experience required for co-op credits.  If you choose to use your current employment, they could continue to pay you as usual while you count the co-op hours.


Assignments will be given to the student at the beginning of co-op.  It is the responsibility of the student to get everything completed and handed in before the co-op period is over.


Each co-op credit takes approximately 110 hours of work experience.




What can this program do for you?


  • Enable students to earn credits they need to complete their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

  • For students interested in a skilled trade, co-op credits can be linked to the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP), allowing work experience hours and skills to be put towards a future apprenticeship.

  • Enable students who are recent immigrants to gain Canadian workplace experience and/or develop their English-language skills.

  • It is a good opportunity to try out a new career or learn new practical skills while obtaining a high school credit.  It is also a good opportunity to get a realistic look at a job that you may have thought you wanted but perhaps after experiencing it first-hand, you might choose a different career path.

  • It can serve as a stepping stone to employment after the placement is completed.

  • It can open doors in the future by introducing students to people and workplaces in the industry that they plan to enter after graduating.


How do I register?


Contact the Cooperative Education teacher for more information.




Contact Information

Bonnie Bishop

613-735-1031 ext. 3324


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